DNR Partners International

Our Services

Your Expectation, Our Value Proposition

DNR PARTNERS UK delivers independent, high quality audit of financial statements. We go beyond the financial statements by advising our clients upon internal control systems, strategic direction and performance improvements. Our audit approaches ensure that information presented in the financial statements are reliable and useful by various stakeholders

DNR PARTNERS UK offers clients with outsourced accounting services ranging from bookkeeping to final accounts. We prepare for you books of original entries, bank reconciliations, Trial balances, depreciation schedules and other end of year adjustments, Final accounts as per applicable accounting standards. In addition, our accounting experts provide critical analysis that allow you to evaluate your financial health that enable you focus on business goals.

DNR PARTNERS UK offers broad tax solutions that enhance tax planning and full compliance. Our tax experts make an all-out effort to ensure you are compliant with tax administration and save clients from huge non-compliance penalties. We also advise our clients upon the tax benefits and advantages that are offered by local tax laws. We assist our clients in monthly and/or quarterly tax computation and declaration as well.

DNR PARTNERS UK offers sharpened financial advisory backed by thorough financial and non- financial data analysis of the client as well as these of the market. Our experts analyze both short and long term trends to appreciate possible opportunities in stock market, fixed income securities market as well as real estate market so as to optimize clients’ portfolio that maximizes his return at minimal risk. The approach goes with analyzing various aspects of the economy and the industry Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as well as Critical Success Factors (CSFs) so as to provide the client with specific financial cutting edge solution that is most suitable to his investment objective. We also advise on alternative sources of finance for start- up companies as well as growing companies. As per our customer feedback, our advisory services are beyond customer expectation.

DNR PARTNERS International is the best provider of staff capacity development services either in house or attending our workshop depending on customers choice. We train people of various capacities and personalities with various areas such as strategic management; financial management; IFRS reporting & other accounting practices: Tax compliance; sales strategies and deals closing, public speaking and presentations; leadership and corporate management; corporate governance among others

Are you struggling with recording transactions every day? Do you feel shaken once RRA staff calls you for audit of previous years, we have accounting solution for you. We provide our clients with accounting software (quickbooks, sage pastel, etc) destined to keep the clients transactions in order for long time with easy reporting to RRA and any other stakeholder in need of reports. We provide the software, customize for client business and install in such a way it’s full enabled to record your transactions. Do you have accounting staff at your business, we train them how to effectively use the accounting software

Come and experience our consultancy services for your growth. Our experts design manuals that suit your company’s need and size; corporate strategy and human capital development so as to make your company sustainable. Some of the consultancy services we offer are below:

Do you want manuals that suit your organizational culture? DNR PARTNERS CPA has a solution for you!
We design financial manuals, procurement procedures manual and HR manuals destined to enable your business to operate in environment enhancing growth and customer centricity. We also design for our clients appropriate internal control systems that fit business characteristics as well as the requirements of your regulator in the industry you are working in

Most people confuse Strategic plan with business plan!!!!! DNR PARTNERS International do not confuse them anymore. We design appropriate and specific strategic plan that respond to the mission and vision as well as the intended growth of the company. It’s a strategic direction document for companies already in business seeking to grow further

We design a feasible business plan as detailed as possible that respond to the needs such as funding, viability of the business and the suitability to the market. We assist our clients in analyzing their SAF for growth
  • Suitability: Does the strategy respond to the company strategic objectives?
  • Acceptability: Is the strategy acceptable by the relevant stakeholders?
  • Feasibility: Does the company has resources to implement the designed strategy?
Companies may struggle to grow due to having started without clear written goals, missions, and visions. We provide with you the strategic diagnosis and recommend the course of action for the company healthy position. Find an advisor with us today!

Do you really want to grow your company? You need such high caliber committed staff to help you grow your company. DNR PARTNERS CPA is specialized in selecting such high competent staff, men, and women with high integrity for your company exceptional growth. We also provide with our clients Payroll solutions destined to facilitate in the process of preparation salaries and statutory deductions with no errors in computations. Contact us today to discuss how!

Do you plan to add a new business line to your portfolio? Do you want to diversify your business? DNR PARTNERS CPA assesses the project viability, feasibility, and cash flow analysis for your business line to break even as well as payback period. The well-established financial models, based on market and industry research analysis, help the clients with better decision on whether to continue, reduce or stop the business line

What is the value of your investment to date? If you can sell your investment how much does it worth? Would you like to turn around your business? DNR PARTNERS International has solutions to the above problems and we are well positioned to change your current paradigm for growth that make you a market leader in your industry.

Are you an NGO? You need to know whether the project you supported has achieved the milestones that were targeted, you need to know the impact your support has created upon the project beneficiaries, you need to know whether value for money principles were adhered to? The optimum solution is by outsourcing an independent partner for the assessment and evaluation. DNR PARTNERS International has high caliber staff with huge experience in NGOs management, thus we are a solution for projects evaluation.

In addition, we assist NGOs in community needs assessment, grant writing and compliance related activities

DNR PARTNERS International advises clients in closing deals related to mergers and acquisition. We provide with you the valuation models that lead to fixing the minimum-maximum price for acquisition of company and facilitate in the transaction of mergers and acquisition in accounting and financial reporting terms

At DNR PARTNERS International we are helping young people to discover their respective purposes and how they can achieve them; we are training young people at secondary schools and universities the leadership traits, entrepreneurship and integrity matters as one of the paths to becoming really entrepreneurs. All these services are given free of charge Are you a school director? A University rector? Plz contact us to discuss how we can provide the above to your students In addition to above, we contribute to social supports in numerous ways by visiting the sick at hospital, supporting young people struggling to start small businesses, supporting some school children with no means of schooling and the like

Do you want to support such CSR initiative? Plz contact us to discuss how, when and for who, to match with your target population
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